The writing TAKS test is less than three weeks away and I am starting to get nervous for my little fourth graders. On March 1st, they will all sit down in their uncomfortable wooden desks to take this highly anticipated test. It consists of editing four stories for grammar, spelling, and punctuation AND writing a composition from start to finish. The prompt is unpredictable and will not be given to them until the day of. Mrs. Sebesta has been working her tail off to get her kids prepared for this big day! As her student teacher, I can only do so much! Every time I am there, I try my best to help her class become better writers! Mrs. Sebesta is passionate about teaching and baseball; she usually combines the two on a regular basis! We have our 'World Series Writing' method, our 'Spelling Sluggers' wall, the 'Reading Dugout', a list of 'Grand Slam Vocabulary', and a 'H.O.M.E.R.U.N.' acronym that is a useful writing tool! She is SO creative! Since writing is the hot topic for fourth grade students across Texas, they have written several compositions over various topics this year. All of their essays are placed in their portfolios and this afternoon we had a Portfolio Party! Their parents were welcome to stop by, see their portfolio, and read all of their awesome stories! The kid's have yet to strike out as we head into the final innings before the writing TAKS day... we're just hoping those judges don't throw them any curve balls!
Today I made this sign for Collin Cobb, Taylor's younger brother. This is the first sign I have ever made for him and I think it was about time this sweet little baseball boy got one!