Mondays are always FCA nights! Tonight went exceptionally well. We played 'Over and Under' as our group game. Everyone was numbered off into two teams and the goal was to be the first team to touch their ball to the bulldog that was painted on the wall. Brelynn and Taylor would toss the balls into the air, across the gym, and all over the place... while the teams had to chase their ball and begin the process of going under your legs and over your head. This game was very intense and SO much fun!! Afterwards, Sam, Brelynn and Ira spoke about pain and suffering. It was the first public speaking engagement for all three of them and they did awesome! I realized that it all comes down to pride. We are so prideful; at least I know I am. I am strongly independent and an undeniable control freak. Usually, I have trust issues with relationships in my life, and I can see those issues reflect in my relationship with Christ. I am too quick with the 'I can do it myself' attitude and too hesitant to admit that I need help. I took quite a bit from their message tonight and I am so proud of all of them! After FCA, Ira texted me... thanking me for helping her prepare her message and reminding me that she's seen 'the best' speak at FCA since sophomore year (implying all of those Monday nights that I've stood up there and talked). She will never understand how much a compliment like that means to me. Ira is a sweet and witty girl; I am so thankful that she is a part of my life! <3