Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Week 15: Just For The Birds

Prom is right around the corner, and that means it is prom dress shopping season! For most girls, this is a very exciting time to try on beautiful dresses and have some special mother/daughter bonding time. However, this was me and my mom's third day dedicated to finding the perfect dress. We have spent two entire Saturday's and one entire Tuesday afternoon/evening, and we have found nothing. I have tried on easily over 75 dresses and have finally concluded that I am the pickiest girl on the planet. We have traveled ALL over the Houston area, not to mention all of the hours spent searching the internet! The first day we went to the Galleria (Macy's, Saks 5th Avenue, Nordstrom's, Cashe, Dillard's, etc.), Impressions Bridal, and Formal Gallery. On the second day, we went to Muzzies, Eesh, and Glamorous Bridal. On the third day, we went to WD Prom, The Silver Hanger, Affinity, and Camille's. Speaking of Camille's... that is an interesting story to share. My Mom, Shannon, and I have been traveling all around using the Map Quest feature on my iPhone. On this application, you can search for local stores, restaurants, etc. I decided to type 'Prom Dresses' into the search engine. A store called Camille's in Old Town Spring popped up. That sounds like forever and a mile away, but where we were it said it was only 5 minutes away. We went on countless back roads, made many U-turns, and refreshed the directions one too many times... all to find Camille's! Once we FINALLY got to this place, it turned out to be an antique furniture store. Mom and I were disappointed and slightly upset, then Shannon said that she saw a place called 'Just for the Bride' down the road. We walked past a couple of buildings, and spotted the store. I looked at them and said, "Well, I guess they sell bird houses as well as bridal gowns!" Then we all looked up at the sign and realized that it was called, 'Just for the Birds'! I fell to the floor dying of laughter, and realized that this was the perfect description of my prom dress shopping experience. I still have had no luck and have yet to find the perfect dress. The Engle girl's are frustrated, annoyed, and extremely tired of searching the endless racks.
Dear Perfect Prom Dress, please come find me... preferably soon.