"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity."
-1 Timothy 4:12-
There are officially fifteen weeks until graduation and I don't think time could be flying any faster. Tonight, Taylor Woods and I spoke at FCA. I have been involved in FCA since my freshman year, and in all of those years two leaders have never spoken side by side. We decided to mix it up tonight and let the ultimate duo preach together! We based our talk on 1 Timothy 4:12. Taylor and I switched off between the five topics mentioned: Speech, Life, Love, Faith, and Purity. For each section we read scripture, asked the audience questions, and listed specific ways that we can set a Godly example. Our lives should be a constant reflection of Christ, and most days that is way easier said than done. Every single person struggles in their own way and is currently fighting their own battle. The greatest way that we can show Christ's love is by simply loving the people in our life. We can have confident faith that Christ will stand by our side and be our biggest cheerleader throughout the good times and the bad! We often talk our way out of the spiritual life by refusing to come to Christ as we are. Instead, we decide to wait until we are ready to come to God as we aren't. We decide that the way we lived yesterday, last week, or last year makes us "damaged goods", and that until we start living "right", we're not "God material". Some of us actually believe that until we choose the correct way to live, we aren't chooseable. That until we clean up the mess, Jesus won't have anything to do with us. Taylor and I stood up there tonight and told them that the EXACT OPPOSITE is true. Until we admit that we are a mess, Jesus won't have anything to do with us. Once we admit how unlovely we are, how unattractive we are, how lost we are... Jesus will show up unexpectedly. As you go through this week, remember to set an example in what you say, in the way you live, in the way you love, in your faith, and in your purity. Be the example that reminds people just how much Christ cares.