Eleven seemed to be the number for the day. It came up in random conversations, and it's the year we graduate. So here are eleven things that were significant about my day:
1. I did Total Conditioning (aka Total Death) at Lifetime with Mom and Lauren.
2. We went shopping for a business suit for Lauren's hospital interviews. She's not a picky shopper at all... that's where me and her are different!
3. My mom told me that I couldn't go prom dress shopping again, until I got a prom date. It was a joke, but a very rude one.
4. Shannon and I ate at least eleven samples in the food court. That was enough lunch for me!
5. The Engle's played Wii Tennis and kicked it at the house.
6. I tried to convince everyone that we should have a Mardi Gras party and buy a king cake... fail.
7. I had a girl's night at Katy's house with KK and Berr.
8. Katy treated us to huge Sonic slushies. Way too much sugar!
9. Two hours later, we went to Whataburger and ate cheeseburgers. Not many girl's hit up two fast food restaurants in one night! ;)
10. We talked for hours, and hours about anything and trust me, everything.
11. Our order number was eleven at Whataburger, we graduate in 2011, and eleven just isn't enough for Amber. ;)