This week I went to school a total of two days due to a combination of PALS activities and baseball games! Tuesday was ROPES course, Thursday was a tournament, and Friday we taught Before It's Too Late at the middle schools. Before It's Too Late is a program designed to reinforce the law and help kids become aware that every choice has consequences. I taught with Taylor Woods and Katie Payne in my mom's 6th grade classroom. Her kids were loud, rude, and very disrespectful. I learned today that I do not have the patience for middle school students. Hannah Grace, Taylor's younger sister, left us a little note on the dry erase board. It was too sweet! After I taught the first three class periods, I ate lunch at Subway and headed to the high school for the baseball game. Trust me, I was happy to have an excuse to get out of there! The rest of the afternoon sort of spiraled in a downward direction. The story is certainly not blog material, and I definitely don't want to share it with the entire world. My emotions got the best of me and it was one of the worst days I've had in a long time. I am not a big crier, but I was in tears multiple times during the baseball game. A lot of the players were super sweet and surprisingly concerned about my emotions. I was within 2 feet of getting hit with a foul ball heading approx. 100 mph into the dugout. If that's not a wakeup call, then I don't know what is. When I got home, KK came over and we talked for a long time. No matter what's going on in my life, she is always there for me. Best friends won't ever leave your side. Friday night was an interesting start to my Spring Break, but I honestly believe that it can only get better from here!