My 4th Grade Class
Last Day Beach Trip!

Graduating Class of 2011!
SURPRISE... Jason's in Houston!!!!!!!
Today was my last day of high school and it was the best day ever. It was filled with several mixed emotions and non-stop action. The day started with signing in at 8:30am and picking up our cap and gown for graduation. I rushed from the high school to Walker Station for my fourth graders poetry program. We have been memorizing poems for the entire school year and we have been writing and decorating our poetry books for the last few months. Needless to say, these kids put countless hours into this program- including me and Mrs. Sebesta! All of the parents arrived and their show was awesome! I was in tears on multiple occasions, but especially when they sang me their own original song titled "We'll Miss You, Miss Engle". It was a complete surprise and I was bawling like a baby. They were my first class to ever teach, and although some days they were completely dysfunctional... They were the best group of kids I could have asked for! They brought joy and laughter to all of my days! I was a volunteer student teacher all year and I wouldn't trade my experiences with that class for the world. Mrs. Sebesta will be greatly missed at WSE, but her cheerful spirit will remain there forever. She changed my life and will always be my inspiration. Immediately following the show, I went to Surfside with a bunch of my friends to celebrate our last day of high school. There was a huge group of people from Austin HS there and a ton of graduating seniors. It was very hot and the mosquitos were plentiful, but the day was amazing. I played a lot of sand volleyball and socialized with everyone. This was our last beach trip as high schoolers, but I am sure we will be back for plenty more trips in the future! After an eventful day at the beach taking pictures and hanging out, I arrived home and went to a late dinner with my family at Katz’s (because Katz’s Never Closes as my Dad would say)! They convinced me that my mom had an event downtown in the loop and we were meeting her and her friend, Janet, for dinner. I didn’t really care, or think much of it for that matter. My eyes were heavy and I was desperate for food. We were all seated around the table waiting for my mom to arrive, and then two big hands covered my face and Shannon screamed, “Jason!!!!” I couldn’t believe it. My parents flew Jason to Houston for my graduation weekend and it was a complete surprise to me. I talked to him earlier in the week on the phone and he claimed that he forgot that my graduation was this weekend. I can’t even begin to explain how excited I was to see my brother… I was nearly in tears. He is my best friend and I love him more than anything in the world. He always makes me laugh, gives me great advice, and tells the best stories. They pulled off the surprise perfectly and I couldn’t have asked for a better graduation present! We enjoyed our dinner at Katz’s together and died laughing the entire ride home. I am in love…….. WITH MY FAMILY!!! What a perfect ending to my last day of high school!