Saturday, May 14, 2011

Week 4: The Storm

On May 12, 2011, it finally rained in Sugar Land! We have been in a drought since January, and we were desperate for this storm. It's interesting because the scriptures talk a lot about rain and the fullness of storms. Jesus claims there are two types of people; those who build their home on sand (someone who chooses to reject his teachings) and those who build their home on rock (someone who chooses to build their life on Jesus' teaching). They used the metaphor of a storm to demonstrate that those whose house is built on rock will stand. Jesus says, "When the rains come." It's not like they might come, they do come. This past semester has been filled with a handful of incredible memories, but it certainly didn’t lack its fair share of storms. It rained quite a bit, metaphorically speaking. When the physical rain finally came to Texas on Thursday, I knew the storms in my life were finally coming to an end. All of the intense rain symbolized everything regrettable from this past semester washing away. This morning I woke up, and I couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day! The storms were gone and the sun was radiating throughout the sky. I have gained incredible strength through different trials and I have learned so much about myself. When I was soaking wet, the creator of the universe wrapped his eternal love around me and whispered…
“We’re gonna make it.”