Tonight was our last home baseball game and it was against Dulles! They have one game remaining in their season next Friday; however, I can't make it that one due to babysitting! So for me.... tonight was my last baseball game as one of the managers. It was definitely a bittersweet feeling. I was very new to the sport of baseball at the start of the season, but I have learned more over the past few months than I ever thought I would know. I have truly found an enormous appreciation for this sport and all of the knowledge that is required to be a great player. I have enjoyed every last second socializing and keeping track of the book with Savannah. We were the ultimate manager tag team- switching off innings and keeping each other entertained! I have become friends with many of the guys and I have gotten to know a few of them so much better. I'll never forget my experience as the baseball manager. It was different, time consuming, and sometimes frustrating... but it was worth every last bit of energy that I exerted. Even though our team didn't always get along and we were hardly ever the winners, it was a once in a lifetime experience. I am thankful for all of the players, parents, fellow managers, and fans! <3