Monday, January 24, 2011

Week 19: Kick-Off!

Today kicked off the first day that I volunteered for the extended day program at Oyster Creek Elementary School and the first FCA of the year! Before volunteering at OC, I went to Sonic with Ira, Colby and Cassandra. It was unbearably cold, wet and nasty outside today,  so an outdoor seating arrangement at Sonic was not ideal! They grabbed their food and we all bundled up in my toasty car. We talked and laughed uncontrollably about PALs' class and various things going on in each of our lives. It is those kind of moments and conversations that make us grow so much closer! Tonight at the FCA kick-off, we played dodge ball!! There wasn't a huge turn out like we had anticipated, but everyone that showed up on this rainy night had a blast! We even played a couple rounds of  Seniors vs. Others. There were only about six seniors battling over thirty other kids. The six of us held our ground for a little bit, but in the end we were sadly defeated. Overall, it was a great kick-off! I know God has big plans for FCA this semester and I can't wait to see how he works through us to touch the lives of the students at Austin! I have been an FCA leader since the beginning of my sophomore year and today was the start of my last semester as a leader. I pray God continues to use me at FCA to inspire others to selflessly serve Him. Let the competition begin, let the glory be God's.